About Gothic Art Gallery

S13 About Gothic Art

For lovers of Gothic Art there is the shared appreciation for the outlandish. The bizarre and the complex tagged in with the simplicity that overlaps the complexity of each message. Gothic is the unique expression of a sub-shadow state of mind. The shadow side of the human psyche is a pinnacle that is masked, but not hidden when expressed in Gothic style. At the Gothic Art Gallery we explore the components which make up this exquisite form of expression.

Dating back to the 12 century, Gothic Art was born out of humanity’s need to express the whole of life. The beautiful, dark and sometimes foreboding essence which hung in the air at the time was first displayed in carved monumental figures. This was a safe and accepted venue to express a hidden beauty that was often overshadowed in the daily, suppressed lives of the common people. The art was relatable, intriguing and adorned the edifice of many mid-evil churches, castles and government buildings.

The Gothic Art Gallery blog site is designed to share history as well as contemporary interpretations of the modern day twists and turns of developing, incomparable inspirations. The Gothic Art Gallery is a source for current events, such as gallery showings as well as showcasing the multitude of new and talented artists emerging onto the scene. We share our insights and those of our readers as to what an artist is intending to offer the observer. We analyze and offer interpretations from our readers’ points of view as well as international reviews on the latest work to come on to the scene. We illustrate nuances which perhaps you didn’t see or realize as an intricate component of a piece.

Within the last two decades Gothic art has had a renaissance and re-emergence onto the front page of the art scene, especially with the younger generation. Thank you for joining us as we travel though the alleys of time and space, darkness and light of Gothic expression.